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Looking for a Sustainable Weight-Loss Solution? Our Accountability Package Could Be Your Best Option

Looking for a Sustainable Weight-Loss Solution? Our Accountability Package Could Be Your Best Option

No matter who you are, if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s probably one of the toughest things you’ve ever done.

This is especially true in North America, where portion sizes are absolutely obscene, much of our food is fried in oil, and cheap junk food is available around every corner.

In this kind of environment, even if you do manage to lose some weight, finding a truly sustainable weight-loss solution can feel downright impossible.

Sure, you might be able to lose a few pounds, but with temptations everywhere you go, and a culture that lauds unhealthy lifestyles, keeping that weight off is anything but easy.

But from our perspective, here at Deez Skin Reju, the most sustainable weight-loss solution is one that ensures you’re held accountable.

With that in mind, we offer what’s known as our Accountability Package, which aims to provide clients with a more sustainable weight-loss strategy.

The idea is to ensure clients can lose weight and keep it off in the long term, rather than settling for short-term weight loss with things like fad diets and inconsistent exercise routines.

So, if you’re looking to lose weight, but you’re struggling to find a sustainable weight-loss solution, then you should definitely keep reading.

Because in this article, we’re going to break down every aspect of our Accountability Package, so you can come to an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.


How Does Our Accountability Package Offer a More Sustainable Weight-Loss Solution?

Our Accountability Package is designed to help patients reach their long-term weight-loss goals through a combination of weight-loss injections, exercise and diet plans, and weekly weigh-ins.

More importantly, it’s intended to hold patients accountable.

But what does it mean to hold patients accountable?

Well, we could just have you come in once a week for a weight-loss injection, and otherwise leave you to your own devices, but our Accountability Package is so much more than that.

When you first come in, our founder, Dr. Dheshnie, will sit down with you to talk about what kinds of exercise you’re doing, what kinds of food you’re eating, if you have any food allergies, what kinds of food and exercise you prefer, and which ones you don’t like, among other things.

Based on this discussion, Dr. Dheshnie will then come up with a nutrition program complete with portion sizes, recommended caloric intake, and even recipes, along with a detailed exercise plan.

The idea is to harmonize how much you’re eating and what you’re eating with how much you’re exercising and what kinds of exercises you’re doing so you can find that balance and maintain an ideal weight over the long term.

This involves not only coming in once a week to get the injection, and do the weigh-in, but also having a discussion with you afterward to ask questions and make recommendations based on whether you lost weight, gained weight, or stayed stable.

So, if you gained five pounds since the last time she saw you, Dr. Dheshnie’s going to want to know why, and whatever the case, she’ll work with you to help you maintain motivation to keep going and tailor your diet and exercise plans to whatever works best for you.

The program can be compared to getting a personal trainer versus going to the gym alone because when you’re paying for a personal trainer, that cost, and the support and guidance they offer, will give you much more of a push to actually exercise regularly, and that’s the idea behind our Accountability Package.

The ultimate goal is to help you get into a healthier routine and encourage you to want to go to the gym and eat healthily of your own volition, without us having to remind you.


What Kind of Weigh-Loss Injections Do We Use?

weight loss injections

We use semaglutide injections for our Accountability Package, which are more commonly known by the brand name Ozempic.

This drug was originally made to control a form of hemoglobin for type-2 diabetes patients, but eventually, it was found that patients who take this drug can end up losing 10 per cent of their body weight or more.

As a result, the drug is no longer used solely for diabetes, and it’s become so popular as a weight-loss treatment that it can actually be tough for diabetics to get their hands on it.

When it first came out, a lot of patients didn’t want to take it, as extended healthcare wouldn’t pay for it in a lot of circumstances. If you weren’t diabetic, or your health insurance wasn’t very good, then you could end up paying between $200-$250 per month for the drug.

But now that it’s gotten FDA approval, the price has gone down significantly, which is part of the reason why it’s become so popular.

At the same time, rumours have been swirling on social media that Khloe Kardashian has been using semaglutide to achieve her weight loss, but she has outright denied these accusations.

Still, there’s no doubt that these rumours are also to blame for the swelling popularity of the drug, regardless of whether they’re actually true or not.


How Do These Weight-Loss Injections Work?

how do weight loss injections work

Semaglutide is injected subcutaneously, which means it gets injected into your fat, and it’s administered in the form of a weekly dose.

Typically, wherever you have the largest amount of fat is where the needle gets injected, and this is usually in the belly.

As it pertains to weight loss, semaglutide’s main mechanism of action is to affect the “hunger hormones” known as leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin is produced by your fat cells, and its purpose is to send signals to your brain to let it know when you’ve consumed enough energy, which can have an effect on both appetite and metabolism.

On the other hand, ghrelin is produced primarily by your stomach, and its purpose is to stimulate your appetite.

But how do these hormones have an effect on weight loss?

Well, here in the West, as a result of our outrageous portion sizes, and otherwise unhealthy eating, our levels of leptin and ghrelin are completely out of whack, which is why so many of us never seem to feel full, no matter how much we eat.

That being said, semaglutide can help to normalize these hormone levels by increasing your leptin, and decreasing your ghrelin, which helps to promote weight loss and reduce your appetite.

At the same time, semaglutide has also been shown to slow down the rate at which food moves through your stomach, which can help with weight loss by ensuring you remain satiated for longer.

In addition, semaglutide can also help people with weight loss in several other ways.

For example, one of the things we notice in our patients is that when they’re taking semaglutide regularly, they find that they can’t eat a lot anymore, and they also can’t stomach more than one alcoholic drink, as they get full much more quickly.

And believe it or not, semaglutide also tends to make patients crave unhealthy foods less and healthy ones more, and it can also increase their energy levels.

Although the effects of this drug are not fully understood, several studies have shown how effective it can be when it comes to weight loss.

For instance, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that a weekly dose of semaglutide, coupled with lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise, is “associated with sustained, clinically relevant reduction in body weight” and can reduce body weight by up to 15 per cent.

Several other studies have shown similar effects, with one study concluding that a weekly dose of semaglutide “suppressed appetite, improved control of eating, reduced the frequency and strength of food cravings.” Another study found that aside from “reduced energy intake” semaglutide can help to induce weight loss through “less appetite and food cravings, better control of eating and lower relative preference for fatty, energy-dense foods.”


What Are the Side Effects and Contraindications of Semaglutide?

As with all drugs, you may experience side effects when taking semaglutide.

In our experience, the side effects of this drug are pretty mild. Dr. Dheshnie has only had one patient who ended up vomiting from it, but other than that, she hasn’t seen any ill effects.

That being said, this drug does have several potential side effects, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Allergic reactions
  • Itching, redness, or swelling at the site of injection

It’s also important to point out that if you have a history of medical problems related to the pancreas, gallbladder, kidney, or thyroid, have hypoglycemia or type 1 diabetes, or are pregnant, breastfeeding, or looking to get pregnant in the near future, then you should not get these injections.


Are you looking for a sustainable weight-loss solution that actually works? Contact us to book a free consultation, or schedule your treatment today.

What our clients say about their experience…


Thank goodness for Doctor D!!

Her professionalism and practice makes me feel confident in choosing her for my procedures. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated every time I go!

Pam C.

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