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Get non-surgical relief from chronic pain

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Chronic Pain Therapy

In the past, trying to find relief from chronic pain meant meeting with a surgeon, undergoing an invasive procedure and going through a lengthy recovery.

Not anymore! Our staff anesthesiologist Dr. Dheshnie provides non- surgical treatments that can relieve pain and heal tissue with minimal recovery and downtime.

We can create an effective, customized pain management program for those with:

Tendon, ligament, or joint pain
Sports and trauma injuries

Explore our chronic pain therapy in Vancouver before you resort to orthopedic surgery or other invasive procedures.

Botox for migraine relief

Many people only know Botox as a cosmetic treatment, but it can be a powerful pain reliever, too. By blocking the neurotransmitters that carry pain signals from your brain, it can reduce the symptoms of migraines, including pain, nausea or vomiting; and sensitivity to lights, sounds and smells.

Why endure the pain of migraines when there’s such a simple

Trigger point injections

Whether it’s a painful knot under the skin or irritated area near a trigger point, it’s difficult to enjoy life when your muscles can’t relax.

Trigger point injections can be used to treat:

Muscle groups in the back, neck, arms and legs
Tension headaches
Chronic pain that doesn’t respond to other therapies

Trigger point injections work to release knots or tight spots, reducing pain and improving mobility.

Discover the difference these safe and non-invasive injections can make to your quality of life.

IV nutrition

From boosting your immune system to brightening your skin, intravenous (IV) nutrition has a wide range of therapeutic purposes.

It’s also one of our chronic pain therapy treatments in Vancouver. Instead of waiting for a pill or cream to work, or undergoing an invasive surgery, we can inject a powerful cocktail of vitamins and nutrients to relieve pain.

Stop letting chronic pain impact and interrupt your life. Talk to us about IV nutrition options.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Harness the power of your body’s natural healing potential with PRP. It’s a non-invasive way to heal an injury by enabling tissues to repair themselves with new cells.

We commonly use PRP to treat:

Spinal conditions
Ligament or tendon tears or sprains
Joint injuries
Sports and trauma injuries

During the PRP procedure, platelet-rich plasma is taken from your own blood. We spin it in a centrifuge to concentrate and isolate platelets, and then inject it into the desired area using micro-needling techniques.

Don’t put up with chronic pain or think that surgery is your only option. Naturally repair injured tissue and accelerate healing with our platelet-rich plasma treatment.

Yes! I Want My Free Consultation.

*Please note that in order to qualify for a free pain consultation, you must receive a referral from your doctor, as per the guidelines set by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.